Field Test Report – “Let’s Shop!”

by saraskogsberg, Bo Bi and Qi H. We are now at our final step in the process of developing our service, and the time has come to do a user test by the intended target group. In this report we will introduce the reader to how we gathered our empirical data, we will also highlight the methods and the…

The Role of Social Media for Civic Action

In recent years, optimistic discourses about the possibilities of using social media for civic engagement and political action have been very popular, especially after the Arab Spring, in which Twitter is widely believed to have played an important role. Many scholars tend to praise social media for “they can be empowering and politically transformative” [1].…

Let’s Shop! – Clickable Prototype

by saraskogsberg, Bo Bi and Qi H. Now it’s time to see what we have achieved after a month’s work on our app “Let’s Shop!”. Due to the practical reason that we do not have a programmer, we are not able to implement an up and running service. But, we can proudly say that we have tried our best…

Social Media: Redefining Journalism

The new wave of journalism: the world in a tweet “I saw on Facebook/Twitter/Weibo…” is a term frequently heard in conversations nowadays. Social media platforms, which were originally developed as tools for social interaction, have become a vital source of information. Especially when a major event such as an earthquake happens, the first reports come…

About Me and Social Media

Who am I? You may wonder. Actually that is a question I constantly ask myself. And the answer is not always the same, not only  because self-identity is changing over time. In the digital age, identity is constantly re-defined and influenced by social networks such as Facebook and Twitter. What I can say for sure is…