Haters gonna hate – a case of abuse in social media

Since this is my last post on this blog I decided to make it a challenge to myself. I decided that first of all it will be difficult because it will be personal plus it will also be quite different from what I wrote before. Looking back at my work during this class I can’t…

Social media: from rags to riches

Continuing the discussion about social media, as well as its implications and consequences for the society, I came to think that it is important to discuss a particular case regarding the issue of digital media. Indeed, theoretical perspective and discussions concerning the use of social media cannot be complete without some representative example of social…

CRABster: let’s test!

After one month of developing our social media application, our team (@zigenculten, @jmasvoulas , @giuliapunktv) finally announced last week that CRABster is ready for field testing. Although not all the functions of our application were ready due to a number of reasons, our team managed to launch the most important pages, present the design concept, and…

The Role of Social Media for Civic Action

In recent years, optimistic discourses about the possibilities of using social media for civic engagement and political action have been very popular, especially after the Arab Spring, in which Twitter is widely believed to have played an important role. Many scholars tend to praise social media for “they can be empowering and politically transformative” [1].…

The “M Word” and Internet Controversy

As I have covered in several of my previous blogposts, the Internet is rapidly transforming various aspects of our everyday life. It should be evident now to our readers, that the Internet, and especially Web 2.0. technologies like social media, have changed the way we interact with each other, share our inner thoughts and communicate…

Interactive design patterns of YouTube

In this blog post I aim to analyze design patterns and structure of YouTube, in order to understand effects on the social behavior among its users. According to the statistics supplied by YouTube, “more than 1 billion unique users visit YouTube each month”.  I believe this is evidence to well-designed network structure. Additionally, YouTube’s data…

Cook & Eat Together — Paper prototype

We are Xinrui, Elif and Guo. Today, we want to introduce the non-functional prototype of our App, Cook & Eat Together. First, we would like to introduce the navigation design; then, we use a video to show the dynamic functions of our app; later, we will introduce the interaction design; at last, we will show you…

Social Media: Redefining Journalism

The new wave of journalism: the world in a tweet “I saw on Facebook/Twitter/Weibo…” is a term frequently heard in conversations nowadays. Social media platforms, which were originally developed as tools for social interaction, have become a vital source of information. Especially when a major event such as an earthquake happens, the first reports come…